Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lorie Ann Grover Guest Blogs!

Lorie Ann Grover, author of "On Pointe" as well as "Hold Me Close", is so sweet and answered this question for "In Nikki's Head" blog! Thank you!

Would you continue to write books if you were transformed into a supermodel?

I absolutely would HAVE to continue writing if I were a supermodel. After the work on the runway, I'd download by myself through writing! I considered a modeling career because I am six feet tall, but I chose to stick with my passion for ballet. It did pay off as I became a member of the Miami Ballet Company!

This question reminds me of Melissa Walker's Violet series. I love her character struggling through the modeling world. And I love the thought of Melissa the writer in the center of the fashion industry in NYC. It's so fun to see into her world through her newsletter and website, iheartdaily.
I've worked with Meg Cabot and just had the pleasure of meeting her in Texas. What a delight she is! She's real and accessible in the midst of her amazing career. Here are the readergirlz co-founders with Meg: Left to right: Lorie Ann Grover, Meg Cabot, Dia Calhoun, and Justina Chen Headley
And here are best wishes for
Being Nikki! ~Lorie Ann Grover

You can visit Lorie on her blog, here:


  1. Thanks for asking for my thoughts! What a fun blog. :~)

  2. I remember reading On Pointe and loved it...

  3. Wow! 6 feet tall, that so cool. I would love to be that tall. I, sadly, am vertically challenged.


  4. Violet in private is also one of my faves:-D
    Pretty pics!

  5. That is so awesome becoming a member of the Miami Ballet Company. I took classes when I was younger and always wished I stuck with it. I know how hard you had to work to make it there. Congrats!

  6. I took ballet when i was young too. Ballet is hard and really takes concentration but seems fun. You must be really good and love it to be in the Miami ballet.

  7. great guest post and I love the picture!

  8. I think I would have picked modeling over ballet, but It's soo cool that it worked our perfectly for you.

  9. Wow six feet tall? I took ballet for a few years when I was younger.
